Dr. Zachary West

We want to welcome our new author Dr. Zachary West to Books On the Go. 

Dr. Zachary West has been spending many years teaching inside of a
classroom, learning and applying his knowledge to his students. He enjoys writing Fictional Horror/ Paranormal stories the most, but has been known to write poetry and small stories. He earned his PhD in Special Education in 2019. Zachary is an up-and-coming author, with his first published novel H is for Haunting in 2024 and is already working on his next two novels with an expected release date in the later months of 2024, and summer of 2025! He loves to spend time with his wife and two daughters. When he isn’t grading, reading or writing fictional stories, he’s probably dancing, singing or being silly with his girls, watching cartoons or something scary, or spending time outdoors.

One of Dr. West more recent books is called H is for Haunting. The book is a creative, fictional mystery, in the 1980s. Dr. West fills the book with brilliant descriptive sceneries. Get your copy of the book, and enjoy the imagination/ memorable world of a child detective.  

From the creative words of Dr. West,

"Oh good questions..

"In 10 years I see myself as a writer that has produced several books. 
The readership that I hope to build for my book will be a plethora of young adult and adult fiction readers that enjoy a good read. If I could go back in time, it would be the early 80's. I love the time period and everything about it. Getting to experience it first hand would be amazing."